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AM News: Federal Voucher Programs, Chicago Union Merger, CT Teachers Protest

Ed. Dept. Has No Plans for a 'Federal Voucher Program.' Let's Break That Down. blogs.edweek.org/edweek/campaig…

In potential first, Chicago teachers union discussing merger with charter schools union bit.ly/2rBcjJq via @Suntimes @bylaurenfitz

What happened when a city full of teachers, most of them black, was fired hechingerreport.org/happened-city-…

For DeVos & her former advocacy group, the future of education means ‘personalization,’ including virtual schools chalkbeat.org/posts/us/2017/…

Tested in a barbershop, 7th-grader becomes Baltimore's first-ever national chess champion - Baltimore Sun http://nzzl.us/HCbhmrt

Connecticut teachers, students protest DeVos' comments hosted.ap.org/dynamic/storie…

Teachers at D.C. charter school launch campaign to unionize washingtonpost.com/local/educatio…


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