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AM News: Spring Testing Season, Teachers For Trump, Immigrant Students, & More

To test or not to test? That’s the question families face as students head into state exams this week chalkbeat.org/posts/ny/2017/…

Annual State Tests, With Annual Controversy, Begin This Week wnyc.org/story/annual-s…

Liberals, Conservatives Agree: Big Mistake for White House to Push Private School Choice | Education News | US News ow.ly/g0qQ30agHh4

Threats and safety concerns follow Rockville High rape case washingtonpost.com/local/educatio

Challengers claim victories in Denver teachers union elections, race for president heading for recount chalkbeat.org/posts/co/2017/…

These Teachers Voted For Trump. Here's What They Think About His Proposed Education Cuts huffingtonpost.com/2017/03/23/tru

Teachers brush up on new techniques to help improve a struggling school scpr.org/news/2017/03/2…

States Forge Ahead With ESSA Spending Plans blogs.edweek.org/edweek/teacher

Ex-Chicago & New Orleans chief Vallas expected to take the helm at Chicago State University - Chicago Tribune ow.ly/XJLx30ahVRl

'Spotify for learning games' coming to classrooms usat.ly/2omkUdq via @USATODAY

'Open Schools' Made Noise In The 70s, Now They're Just Noisy npr.org/sections/ed/20…

Fifteen kids reported this pedophile. They left him in the classroom anyway. Desert Sun ow.ly/SxSN30agBl1


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