April 14, 2016 | Posted At: 11:21 AM | Author: Alexander Russo | Category: (Who Cares What) Research Says , Teachers, Teaching, Unions , The Business Of Education
Quotes: Public Charter Schools Claiming Private Status When Teachers Organize
We've decided that when teachers really want a voice, to just organize under whatever law is operational... But then as soon as we start organizing, these same charter operators who in one breath say it's a public school, in the other breath say when it comes to school teachers, it's private, not public.
AFT head Randi Weingarten in Bloomberg BNA (Charter School Teachers Organizing Under Federal Labor Law)
why does it seem that the general public does not understand that charter schools are paid for with tax dollars the same as regular public schools? And why does it seem I am always explaining how these charters weaken unions for teachers? The notion that charters are better for having more flexibility is preposterous.
Posted by: Gabriel | April 15, 2016 at 07:28 AM
Posted by: jon | May 05, 2016 at 05:14 AM