June 12, 2014 | Posted At: 02:04 PM | Author: Alexander Russo | Category: (Who Cares What) Research Says , Campaign 2012 , Campaign 2014 , Teachers, Teaching, Unions , Think Tank Mafia , Urban Ed
Charts: The *Real* Reason Some Educators Are So Grouchy?
Basically, schools were protected by the Stimulus (including Race to the Top) during the early years of the Great Recession, but since then state and local funding hasn't (yet) rebounded and federal funding has fallen. Class sizes haven't taken a giant hit but -- see here for lots more charts -- it still isn't pretty. Changes in Per Student Funding 07-12 Via Vox (anyone seen Libby Nelson recently, BTW?)
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Posted by: Tejesh Mehta | June 13, 2014 at 06:59 AM