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Roundup: What They're Saying About That New Yorker Article

Here's a roundup of coverage I've seen so far of Dale Russakoff's New Yorker article about reform efforts in Newark:


NJ Spotlight (In Newark, New Yorker Magazine Grabs Attention of Educators, Politicos) credits the story for creating a lot of election-week buzz -- especially about the claim that most of the $100M Zuckerberg gift is gone or committed -- and reminds us that Russakoff is working on a book about Newark.

Over at Salon (Mark Zuckerberg’s Newark schools cash drop) there are four lessons from the "epic" article about "charter schools, political ambition, race and poverty. ... It’s a story about a problem without an easy solution." Indeed.

The Atlantic's Ta-Nehisi Coates (When School Reform And Democracy Meet) has what might be the most robust reader comment thread going (77 entries and counting) and hones in on Russakoff's theme that reformers operate in an anti-democratic way (about which I have many thoughts) even though he (Coates) is "unconvinced" that teachers should be tenured and shares Booker's thoughts about seniority.

Last but not least, don't miss the photo essay that accompanies Russakoff's article (Picture Me Tomorrow: The Faces of a Newark School), taken at a renewal school (Carver) where the principal is being removed.

Any other notable takes on the piece?  Let us know.  I'm trying to get an interview with Dale (a woman, by the way -- seems to be a lot of confusion about this), and trying to gather my own thoughts as well. 


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