March 13, 2014 | Posted At: 11:00 AM | Author: Alexander Russo | Category: (Who Cares What) Research Says , Campaign '08 , Campaign 2010 , Campaign 2012 , Campaign 2014 , Foundation / Advocacy Follies , Teachers, Teaching, Unions
Maps: Nationial NEA Money Doled Out Across The Nation
Here's another Center on Public Integrity map you might like, showing that top spending groups like the NEA dominate outside spending and plop their contributions all across the nation (in NEA's case, CA, AZ, NM, WI, MI, ME, etc.) This is not state and local money, but rather money doled out from Washington. Click the link to get the interactive version, which allows you to hover over a state and see more dteails (Puppet states: where the money went)
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