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Morning Video: Derrell Bradford (In Honor Of Fashion Week)

Here's NJ ed reformer Derrell Bradford, from last month, talking about education and music (apparently). He really should be talking about education and fashion, but that's ok -- maybe next time. 


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I can definitely appreciate what this program is trying to do. I love this idea actually, and hope the best for these people pursuing this dream, trying to turn it into a reality. I especially like the fact that this program seems to cater to each student, or 'type' of student, or even if u want a better education, or even finding a school that the science department is stronger or math or whatever the student's interests are.
in the title it jokesw about this mans fashion sense, and totally undermines the main, serious issue. this program is trying to make a substantial difference in the americs=an school system, which is getting worse by the year, and somebody's worried about this mans fashion sense.
I cant believe there is cops following students home just to see if they or their parents lied on the application for school to get the students into the schools they prefer, that's crazy that this is whatg this country's education system looks like.

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