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Morning Videos: Did They Both *Want* A Strike?

ScreenHunter_04 Sep. 10 08.55ScreenHunter_03 Sep. 10 08.55

Watch Emanuel and Lewis explain the Chicago teachers strike in dueling press conferences last night. Some observers have claimed that Lewis and the union wanted to strike, no matter how much they got from the city in terms of wages and job protection.  Others have made the same claim about City Hall, claiming that Emanuel was out to break the union by forcing them to strike.

View more videos at: http://nbcchicago.com.




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That’s a little troubling, because it *does* kind of look like they wanted to strike. And again, rights are one thing, the fate of students, who have little to no say in any of this, is another entirely. You won’t fix education by neglecting it for a few weeks to argue over teachers’ rights.

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