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Advocacy: State Advocacy Groups Talk Policy - Not Tactics

If I wasn't headed to my high school reunion in Chicago I'd probably be skulking around the annual PIE Network conference being held this year in Minneapolis (and for the first time seeking public attention).  

Tumblr_le6ezgEid81qavnbio1_500PIE is a fascinating creation, made up as it is of new and old state advocacy groups and born from five Washington DC think tanks who realized that their papers and pontifications weren't having much effect out in the real world (much less on Capitol Hill, which they continue to treat as a grimy cousin). 

As you can see from the agenda, the event will include speakers familiar (Mike Johnston, Don Shalvey) and not so much (Jamie Woodson, Tennessee SCORE, Anthony Kim, Education Elements). Along with lots of foundation and advocacy group folks, there's even going to be an NEA member there (Maddie Fennel, NEA). They're going to talk about the growing role of states in the NCLB waiver era, turnarounds in the post-SIG era, and charter school quality.  Once again, Rick Hess will be doing his standup act.  

All in all, pretty standard, wonky policy stuff.  Somewhat disappointingly, there's no Dirty Tricks Workshop on the official agenda, nothing about How to Hack the Speaker's iPhone.  Interestingly, there is a panel about engaging teachers in reform, but nothing about the breakout ed reform issue of 2012, parent empowerment.  That's policy, too, isn't it?  Or maybe they consider that tactics, which I'm told is handled at another separate event.


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