Five Best Blogs: The Brill-Bashing Continues
What's wrong with the education reformers' diagnosis and cures Richard Rothstein (Slate): Brill's briskly written book exposes what critics of the reformers have long suspected but could never before prove: just how insular, coordinated, well-connected, and well-financed the reformers are.
18 Low-Tech Learning Innovations Tom Vander Ark: A variety of tactics could fit into this category but most common is project-based learning, which can be engaging but make the target clear!
What’s really wrong with ‘parent trigger’ laws Larry Ferlazzo: Educators should not let the strategists behind it pull victory out of the jaws of defeat by driving a wedge between us and the parents of the children we teach.
The Union Wins a Big One in New York Education Next: Nice try, Regents. But NYSUT caught it and argued, according to Lynch, that such a scoring rubric was “contrary to the statute’s mandate that the composite score incorporate multiple measures of effectiveness….”
Public School Choice Matthew Yglesias: A lot of school reform haters seem mighty impressed by this Freddie de Boer takedown of an argument about charter schools that I never made. So here, again, is my argument.
Worthless Wonky Studies SchoolFinance101: On balance, it is safe to say that a significant body of rigorous empirical literature, conscious of whether, who and when concerns, validates that state school finance reforms can have substantive positive effects on student outcomes including reduction of outcome disparities or increased overall outcome level.
I don't think you get to call the responses "bashing" when Brill has written such an over-the-top bashfest himself.
Speaking of blustering, teacher-bashing reformy types, did Richard Whitmire fall completely off the map after a flurry of publicity?
Posted by: CarolineSF | August 30, 2011 at 02:15 AM