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RTTT: "Implementation & Support Unit" Needs Results

image from t1.gstatic.comLast week was Matt Gandal's first at the USDE, where the former Achieve EVP is going to try and help make sure that -- among other things -- the states that won Race To The Top funding end up with some concrete accomplishments by the time the money's gone.  The Duncan folks know that they need some real results from their signature program, and Gandal's not the only one focused on that task. There's also the US Delivery Institute, a newish "deliverology" outfit focused on helping state departments organize themselves around specific outcomes (read more here). EdSec Duncan has an event this week focused on RTTT progress in Tennessee.  A team of USDE folks including Ann Whalen, Assistant Director Jim Butler, and Race to the Top Program Officer Rebecca Zazove are part of the "Implementation and Support Unit" where Gandal will work. They will visit all the RTTT grantees and produce a big report in the fall (see here).  News about Gandal here.


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