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Reform: Are They Stepping Back From The Brink?

ScreenHunter_15 Oct. 19 10.33 Maybe it's the looming midterms or the increasingly overheated and ridiculous rhetoric but there are at least a handful of things that suggest maybe the Democratic party has decided against an all-out civil war over school reform:  (1) There's the announced labor-management relations summit in early 2011.  (2) The profile of Randi Weingarten in the NYT which notably includes no harsh attacks from top officials.  (3)  The elevation of the term "war on teachers"  in the WSJ.  (4) The miserable box office returns for WFS compared to Jackass and the Facebook movie.  Or, perhaps the inspirtation was sworn enemies Colbert and Stewart burying their differences and combining forces for their upcoming Fear/Sanity rally.


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Nice little synopsis of why the Apocalypse is not at hand, just this moment. My favorite part? The miserable box office showing of WFS, compared to Jackass. Kind of says it all...

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