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Events: Fear-Mongering Educators Dominate DC Rally


Restore-sanity-keep-fear-aliveAfter nearly a month of debate over the validity of the Fear-Moderation Spectrum (FMS) and the fairness of public listing of individual names attached to their FMS scores, here's a revised and expanded list of who in education reform is going to this weekend's Colbert/Stewart rally on the Mall and which side of the aisle they're slated to be sitting on.  

Keep The Fear Alive (Colbert FMS 50%>):  Davis Guggenheim, Diane Ravitch, Arne Duncan, Michelle Rhee, Randi Weingarten, Chris Cristie, Tim Daly, Sam Chaltain (lucky just to be named), others? 

Take It Down A Notch (Stewart FMS 50%<):  Nick Lemann, Jack Jennings, Kati Haycock, others?

Note that seating assignments are based on a complicated statistical measure of anxiety expressed or conveyed not on particular ideology or views on particular policy solutions.  No word yet on whether USDE employees are being allowed / encouraged to attend.  Previous post:  Assigned Seating At Daily Show / Colbert Report Rally


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