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Media: Waiting For Justin Bieber [Corrected]

image from www.thewrap.com Hey, we all gotta pay the rent.  Word is that Davis Guggenheim's next (current)  project is a biopic of teen hearthrob Justin Bieber scheduled to come out for Valentine's Day 2011 (TheWrap.com via Linda Perlstein). Yes, that's him.  Yes, a boy.

Meanhile, the buzz around Waiting For Superman may have already peaked among the blogorati but the official September release will create another, perhaps bigger wave of attention, and then -- crossed fingers -- an Oscar nomination.

What do you think?  Credibility problem, or no big deal?

UPDATE:   Turns out those Hollywood blogs can't be trusted.  Guggenheim was considered / in discussions about doing the film but never signed on.  And I need to learn how to spell Bieber correctly.  Thanks for the corrections, readers!


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thanks for the correction, justin -- i've updated the post.

Why would you hope such a movie would win an oscar? Have you seen the test results of the high reform school districts (not the press reports). Check out Rhee's tests scores in DC after "3 years of successful reform efforts". Drops all over the place. But who cares about facts, it is much more fun to watch her in movies slamming teachers....

sorry about that -- i meant that THEY were hoping for an oscar nod, not that I was.

...and lets be honest about rubber rooms, which the movie exploits nicely. This was a brilliant management strategy to make the union look foolish. What serious minded education expert would propose and sustain such a tactic? It was a waste of taxpayer money to make an anti-union point.

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