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Media: A Map To Coverage Of National Education News

ScreenHunter_02 Aug. 05 10.52
If there was a daily education briefing at the USDE, this is how the room would look, according to me - a mix of traditional daily beat reporters, mainstream and alternative outlets, and news and commentary combined:  First (1-7) comes the murderer's row of mostly mainstream beat reporters.  Then (8-14) come the giants, big names (or at least big outlets) that provide coverage and commentary to large numbers of people who don't work in the field  or follow it religiously (#14 should be ira glass, right?).  Third (15-21) are the bloggy blowhards who lack a mainstream foothold (so far, at least) -- I flatter myself.  Fourth (22-28) are the bigheads, academics and greybeards who weigh in on education issues from their red brick townhomes.


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