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Media: Clueless Former Ed Reporter Gets School Staffer Fired. Fire Him!

Kurt-greenbaum So a guy at work makes a stupid anonymous comment on a local paper's website -- twice.  Then a guy at the paper (Ken Greenbaum, pictured) who used to cover education issues decides he's going to find out who made the comment, tracking him down at -- yes -- a nearby school and, with the help of the school's IT administrator, getting him fired. 

How do we know all this?  From this boastful blog post Greenburg wrote about what he'd done.  Even after the uproar that ensued, this guy claims he was justified in making the call, didn't violate the paper's privacy policy for readers, and makes a whole helluva lot of excuses like journalists do.  But no one's buying from the comments I read.  Fire him, I say.


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