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EdSector CMO Report: Who Lost Tom Toch?

Thanks to a couple of eagle-eyed readers (including MDM) for pointing out that the much-delayed Education Sector report on charter management organizations lacks the name -- and apparently much of the content provided by -- its original author, writer and EdSector co-founder Tom Toch. 

Asked about the situation, Toch said, "I removed my name from the report because a good deal of my analysis was removed and, as published, the report does not reflect my research findings on the current status and future prospects of charter management organizations."  

Toch says he submitted the 20,000-word report in June, based on two years of investigation, but did not see anything further until a paper copy of the final report was shown to him this past weekend. A good deal of the candid commentary from those within the charter community "had been removed," according to Toch.  And the report recommendations were added on by someone else. 

Toch can't publish the original version of the report because of copyright issues but he points to several other pieces (in Education Week and the Kappan) that reflect his findings more completely, and notes that he will continue to write and speak on the issue. 

No response yet from Education Sector. 

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claus at LFA calls the final edsector report [not as much of a] a whitewash as it might have been


Ah, you torment me, Alexander. The posting says the report ISN'T a mere whitewash, though it does seem different from what I expected.

But I did republish your entire posting when I intended to send people your way. That was very dumb on my part--my enthusiasm got the better of me.

I'm an amateur volunteer without the professional knowhow or time to thoroughly analyze what went on here. Can someone give me and others like me a view, in terms that we amateurs can understand, of the difference between Mr. Toch's report and EdSector's sanitized version?

Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.

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