NSVF: Another Spring, Another Summit
Each year, the NSVF annual summit gets a little less secretive and -- probably -- a little less interesting. Hell, they even invite press now. The real summit takes place the day before.
This year's event -- my third -- is in Pasadena and features David Kelley (no idea) as the keynote speaker. Other speakers include Duncan (via video), Deasy, Feinberg, Fryer, Hess, Villaraigosa -- the usual suspects, that rotating crew of Gates-Broad-NSVF-Obama administration types. Here's the agenda.
For a look at previous summits, click here: The "Sundance" Of School Reform (2007), Microblogging The NSVF Summit (2008). For a peek at the full reach of the NSVF empire, click below. I'll be there, bringing the overall quality of the event down as usual. I might even Twitter.
Great Website!
Posted by: Peacuuddy | July 11, 2009 at 00:07 AM