GROSS: Legacy Admissions Come To K12 Public Education
As if the nation's inequitable system of district-based K12 education wasn't problematic enough, two affluent California districts are now offering legacy admissions priorities to the children of alumni who live outside the district:
Legacy enrollments offered in two top L.A.-area school districts
LA Times
Legacy admissions have long been common at some private schools and universities and colleges. But, like affirmative action, they are extremely controversial.
This seems pretty gross to me.
As a resident and parent of 3 students in Santa Monica public schools, I must tell you that you are uneducated about the reality of Santa Monica schools and how equity issues are handled on the Westside. The 3 elementary schools in Santa Monica that serve Title I (more than 75% poverty) students have a class size limit of 20 for kindergarten through 3rd grade (by state law) and a limit also of 20 for 4th and 5th grades. This is an attempt to close the achievement gap and provide additional reading and math instruction to assist these kids.
Now ask yourself . . . “How does one create such small class sizes for all these 4th and 5th grades and pay for all these teachers, when school funds are so tight?” Well, the remaining public schools in more affluent areas have 4th and 5th grades classes of 33 kids. How do I know this? My child sits in a crowded classroom with 32 other students. Equity comes at a price – which is paid for by my little 9-year old. And she is just so happy to lose out on a solid 4th grade classroom environment so other kids can gain points on their standardized testing – I am only guessing since no one asked her or me.
On to Middle School – Santa Monica has 2 middle schools; the one in the affluent district has classes up to 36 students. Compared to the Middle School in the Title I area which is closer to 28. Again, my child is expected to handle the extremely noisy and overcrowded conditions in hopes that her sacrifice will create equity in the whole world. Is anyone surprised when parents say – Math Class of 36 kids in 6th grade?? No normal 11-year old learn in that environment, I am heading to private school! And they do.
Our only salvation is the fact that there is only one High School in Santa Monica. No surprise that despite braving overcrowded schools, my kids jump ahead to the accelerated classes. There is no evidence to date that shows the kids in the smaller classes from Kindergarten until 9th grade have closed the achievement gap with the kids that were placed in “Survivor – Santa Monica” affluent schools.
What type of society actually penalizes a 9-year old in school, because other kids can’t read? What is next, take a fast runner and make him carry a cement brick because it is not fair that they run so fast. When the parent says, but I want my child to run just as fast - it is not my fault my child can’t run fast. Let’s hobble the fast runners and then my child will run faster – makes sense to anyone? I don’t think so.
Welcome to the bizarre world of Westside Social Engineering – I never signed a consent form to have my children participate in this experiment.
Posted by: Dr. Gold | May 19, 2009 at 13:19 PM
I understand the competancy of the education! Quality education Versus Numbers is a matter of discussion!
Posted by: Professional School of Psychology | June 24, 2009 at 07:10 AM