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Kennedy Shifting On NCLB Mirrors Miller -- Kozol Helped

Nochildleftbehind While many of us mocked him for it at the time, Jonathan Kozol's partial fast in protest against NCLB got him and the issue a ton of press coverage -- smart like a fox! -- and may even have contributed to a turnaround of sorts by Sen. Ted Kennedy on NCLB.  The two met about 10 days ago, and the PURE blog links to the letter Kozol wrote about the encounter.  Of course, Kennedy like Miller has been long been girding himself for a politically necessary shift on NCLB, though not as publicly as Miller (who now practically flays the law he helped write).  EdWeek's David Hoff reports that Kennedy met with the teachers unions about NCLB recently, and that Miller's folks have taken down the old discussion drafts from September. 


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