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Let's Get More Specific: What About A $100B Pledge?

471433852_2f84b0b913 Think that those Ed In '08 folks are really pushing the envelope when it comes to nonprofits getting directly involved in campaign politics? No doubt, they're working hard and having some success.  But the Broad/Gates education effort is perhaps the least vigorous and specific of those included in a recent Time article about nonprofits in politics.  Nonprofit-led demands including having candidates sign pledges that call for specific funding levels (HIV) and new policy initiatives (arts). That's why I say EI08 should go for something bigger and more concrete that 'specific and substantive discussion of education issues' or whatever their current language is.   But then again, I wanted them to fund a 24/7 education politics campaign blog, too, and look where that went. 


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Where did the who's who wiki go? I don't see a link anywhere.

here it is -- sorry --

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